Friendship is meeting your previously unknown twin soul for the very first time, wearing the same Balinese-print shorts
even though you live on opposite sides of the world!
Friendship is idly watching the sun sink into an inky sea, leaving a trail of pink taffeta as you silently sit in each other’s company.
It’s committing your life together, sharing the highs and sharing the lows
And creating memories to reminisce and laugh about when your days get shorter
and the nights get longer and you can no longer bend down to fasten the buckle on your shoes.
It’s a tie. An alliance forged in a school playground which still stands strong seventy years later,
though the reason for the allegiance is long forgotten.
It’s about a connection.
A love and appreciation of the same simple things which bring joy… peace… trust and occasionally tears.
It’s an unknown inexplicable link which joins two souls,
bonded together forever, no matter the distance.
No matter the time in between.
It’s picking up where you left off.
It’s a gut feeling when you just know things are not right and that it’s time to make a call.
Friendship is about love.
It’s warm.
It’s enveloping.
It’s unconditional and it’s absolutely necessary.
Everything else is secondary.
Just fabulous.. sets to mind to my best friends.. thanks for this journey.. gorgeous pics as well… great post.
Thank you Jean… and it of course includes friends in the ether where like-minded friends gather and support each other unconditionally. Thank you my dear Friend F xx
Indeed everything else is secondary. Here’s to friendship! Love
And here’s to you! Fxx