Philotimo to a Greek is like breathing...



Philotimo to a Greek is like breathing. A Greek is not a Greek without it. He might as well not be alive.”

Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus

Philotimo (φιλότιμο)

From the Greek root filos, (Φίλος) meaning friend, and timi, (τιμι) meaning honour; philotimo is impossible to translate.

It’s an inherent awareness in the heart which motivates selfless behaviour encompassing pride in self, in family and in community and of doing the right thing with compassion.

It’s not taught to the Greeks – they are born with it.

Born with affection, generosity of spirit, compassion and hospitality.

Philotimo is about honouring your friend.

It’s about helping others without expecting anything in return. As has been seen time and time again recently, where in response to the refugee crisis, Greeks have opened their hearts and homes to help wherever they can, and in any capacity they can.