I happily blame my ‘English/French, born in East Africa’ heritage for my peripatetic nature and an insatiable thirst for travel!
Like a cat I have lived a number of lives – a dancer; politician’s wife; feature writer/journalist; radio presenter (I had the only English-speaking program the island of Crete for five years); freelance photographer/writer; film/TV marketing and publicist; scriptwriter, director and choreographer of children’s theatre and musicals; events coordinator; administration manager; Ex-Pat; mother and passionate Grecophile.
The one life which has given me the greatest pleasure is living in eastern Crete. The fact that my daughter Alexandra was born on the island could possibly have something to do with it, as well as the never-ending joy of living with that Greek blue!
It was here that I literally fell into the world of photography. And who could blame me? After all, Greece is all about the clarity of light, the purity of colour and simplicity of line.
I live to breathe Mediterranean air peppered with wild thyme and oregano; swim in azure seas and bathe in that Greek light which has mesmerised so many for so long.
To live the simple life of a lotus-eater on an island steeped in aeons of tradition and amongst people with a deep connection to their ancient land, the sea and the air around them.
My website and Blog, “That Greek Blue” are where I share my passion and love for all that is Greek, along with the extraordinary I find within the ordinary in my daily life.
It’s a reflection of Me and my love of colour, language, food and my spiritual home, Crete.
And like a favourite book on the bedside table, I hope you dip in from time to time to excite the senses and ignite a flame within to dream, to travel, to explore, to taste new horizons.
So as not to completely confuse you – all Greek words are written phonetically and then in Greek in brackets.
Like to learn more about the island I love? Come and see it through my eyes and join me on a small tour to Crete. Fourteen glorious days exploring the history, the food, the culture and beauty of the island. It’s a personal experience which takes you off the beaten tracks where we will learn the secrets of the Cretan Diet by cooking is an old disused olive press high in the mountains; visit traditional working olive farm; lunch under an oak tree in a village which has not changed for centuries and eat Cretan food as the Minoans did 4000 years ago.
All words, quotes and images are my own unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy or duplicate, without my written permission.
Just ask by sending me an email: francesca@francescamuir.com
What a beautiful and engaging website – love the photography and lyrical commentary… looking forward to more.
Thank you… lots more to come in the mix… F xx
ooh.. fabulous to see your new butterfly emerge.. well done thus far Frannie.. its beautiful.. I’m going to enjoy your writing and pics I just know!
Thank you so much Jean… I love being described as a new butterfly…such a beautiful analogy. Lovely to be in touch again. Fxx
Stunning – well done Francesca; I look forward to following your travels
Cousin Anne
Thank you Anne x
Congrats, Fran! Wonderful website, will be sure to follow!?
Thank you Sophie…I hope you enjoy it. F xx
This is beautiful – so many stories take on a journey. Your eye for detail reveals beautiful stories . Will enjoy the armchair journey.
Thank you Peter… and I hope it brings back happy memories for you. F xx
Beautiful I couldn’t agree more, I live in Crete in the village of Anopoli near Heraklion! I love your photos!
Lisa thank you so much for your comments – you live in a beautiful village in Crete… will let you know next time I visit Anapoli. Fxx
From Ierapetra i met you in Theo house with Jerolyn!!
Stunning Francesca I”am going to enjoy your writing and pictures!!
Hi George – how lovely to be in touch again and thank you for your comments. That was a fantastic evening with Theo and Jerolyn… such happy memories. See you next time I’m in Crete perhaps. F
the website looks great – congratulations! Hope your Etsy shop goes well, I sell there erratically and it works well for me.
Hi Pauline – Thank you for your wonderful comments… I’ll look for you on Etsy … it’s early days for me yet! Lovely to be in touch F xx
Thank you Marissa and welcome to my page. Happy reading! F xx
Congratulations Fran. Gary & I have visited Greece on many occasions and always find the lifestyle enthralling, albeit frustrating on occasions. Most of our time has been spent on the islands, particularly Mykonos, but also attended a wedding in Athens, preceded by the customary lead up frivolities. Stayed in Kifissia, which is also a delight. Your photographs, your passion for the land & its customs and your style, both personal & literary should ensure that your website will be an outstanding success.
Thank you for your wonderful comments Brian… the country never ceases to enthral and yes, it can be frustrating… but where doesn’t from time to time? Love to you both. F xx
An admirer of your excellent work. Felicitations
May I please have your email address ? I do receive some beautiful photos on the internet which I would like to pass on to you
Much love to you and your family,
Your `old uncle`
Thank you Bernard – how lovely to hear from you. My email is francesca@francescamuir.com
I look forward to hearing from you. F xx