September 22, 2013March 29, 2016 by Francesca Muir A green-eyed beauty A green-eyed beauty sits and stares Slightly soporific from the warming rays She gazes into the light A chameleon in the morning She is dreaming. But of what… She will never say. 35.232161325.7286855 in Cretan cats / Observations 8 comments ShareYou may also likeSpring is in the air....The Heron and the FishermanStairway to paradise
They never say do they – often fix you with a steady stare and one wonders what they are thinking. Beautiful, reflective shots and memories to share. Thank you
A real beauty Francesca..!!
Oh, I so love cats! You've captured this little beauty perfectly!
I love this series…too cute!
Thank you K – she was so happy dozing in the morning sun. The perfect model. F
Thank you – happy memories of the Elenikia cats. xx
I had the perfect model here – she was mesmerized by the warmth of the sun. F x
Thank you Corinne – I love photographing cats as they posture and pose. F x