A sassy spring picnic

The first day of spring sees a Middle Eastern breakfast on the beach.
Under dappled light…
a bevvy of bamboo brollies…
gently shade a feast…
…of strawberries warmed by the sun 
 …haloumi grilled on an open flame
 …pitta bread ready for filling
…and lovingly home-made Koftas.
Chilled lemon, lime and soda quenches the thirst…
As we celebrate the beautiful Sas.
Three cheers for spring!
© 2013 Francesca Muir

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  • It was a really nice picnic Francesca…

  • chillcat September 4, 2013   Reply →

    Ps Francesca I'm doing a giveaway for my new book over on my blog so do have a peep! Xx

  • chillcat September 4, 2013   Reply →

    I miss Lebanese food!! I miss the beach! I'm not even going to think about winter around the corner here. I refuse! Xcat

  • Jackie and Joel Smith September 4, 2013   Reply →

    Oh my, my mouth is watering. I can almost taste that wonderful food from here. (You need to link this to Marsha Mayne's Foodie Tuesday at Inside Journeys blog)!!

  • Millie September 4, 2013   Reply →

    yum….that haloumi looks so delicious Looks like it was great day Francesca. xx

  • This is Belgium September 4, 2013   Reply →

    how I wish spring would be the next season here too
    you wrote a wonderful comment for this is belgium and I like it, …of course I do
    greetings from brussels,

  • lisa | renovating italy September 5, 2013   Reply →

    Sunflowers are just the happiest flowers that's why i love them so much, great post and oh that food!!!
    xxx lisa

  • nicki storey September 5, 2013   Reply →

    Yum, haloumi and pita bread, so good, and so unavailable here!

  • Malyss September 8, 2013   Reply →

    All those things seem to be sooooo tempting!!

    My photo contest is almost ready, i'll let you know when I'll post it (today or tommorrow)
    As you wrote it in your post "easier to say than to do"! :o)

  • Kiran palwasha September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Delicious food. Love these strawberries. Seems like a perfect tourist destination.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Welcome to join us any time Nicki! Fx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Thank you Anni – Spring greetings from Sydney to you. Fx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Thank you Millie – it was – and you're right the haloumi was the best! Fx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Sending you Sydney Spring greetings and warmth Cat. Next time I'll have extra for you! Ciao F xx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    A pleasure Costas – you are always welcome. Fx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Happy sunflowers to you Lisa as you prepare for your first Italian winter. Keep warm and keep smiling. Ciao Bella Fxx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Thank you – Balmoral is a definite must if you come to Sydney – but then everywhere is a must here! Sending you fresh sun-warmed strawberries! Fx

  • Francesca Muir September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Thank you Malyss and good luck. Looking forward to seeing your post. F x

  • Masahiko September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Hi, Francesca! Beautiful spring light.. The umbrellas look like eastern Asian. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  • Malyss September 8, 2013   Reply →

    Photo contest posted here:


    Just hoping I understood well and made things in the right way! :o)

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