Hydrangea’s heartfelft emotions
A symbol of heartfelt emotions…
… an expression of gratitude for understanding.
Discovered in the land of the rising sun, your moniker hails from the land of the Greeks
Hydrangea – Water jar – a link to your undying thirst.
Like a good friend you visit me once a year and we pick up where we left off…
Sometimes a little more jaded….
Sometimes a little more faded.
But never mind.
You grace me with your elegance and serenity
From your explosion of colour as pompoms of little stars laced together
To a gradual dimming…
Paling greens and just a hint of royalty
Like an aging star trying to rekindle the blooms of youth.
Slightly withered.
Frozen in time.
Statuesque. Crisp. Dry.
A shadow of your former self,
your beauty radiates in every guise.
Thank you for the endless joy you bring into my home.
And until we meet again for a coffee and a chat…
Happy New Year!
Your January 2017 ode to the hydrangea has just caught my eye – two years later but it’s never too late to tell you dear daughter that it is the most beautifully worded and photographed ode I have ever come across. You share your gifts with such perfection. Keep on keeping on! Love Mum xx